Terms to Learn


Executive Director

Coordinates the activities of all staff members working on the various Dreamcoat productions


Oversees the budget, staffing, scheduling, volunteers, marketing, and ticket sales


Responsible for the overall artistic “look” of the show: from casting, how lines are delivered, where characters will move on the stage, costuming, sets, props

Vocal/Musical Director

Teaches the cast the songs and may lead the show’s band


Creates dances for every song and teaches them to the cast

Stage Manager

Oversees all technical aspects of the show to ensure that sets, props, lights and sound equipment is in place and “calls the show” or makes sure that everything that is supposed to happen during the show happens at the right time

Costume Designer/ Sewing team

Design and create all costumes for the show

Prop Designer/Creator

Obtains or builds all props for the show

Rehearsal Pianist/ Band

Perform songs that the children learn and all other music during rehearsals and performances

Lighting Designer/Operator

Creates different “looks” for different scenes using light

Backstage Crew

Work backstage moving sets pieces, props, curtains and helping actors get on and off stage

Sound/Microphone people

Make sure that the audience can hear the actors, band, and sound effects

Fly Operators

Move large scenery pieces in and out of view using ropes and pulleys for a large show at The Capitol Centre

Set/scenery builders and painters

Create and decorate the set and scenery

Dressing Room Volunteers

Supervise actors in their dressing rooms and assist with costume changes



Where the actors perform


Where the audience sits


Anything that happens within view of the audience is onstage


Anything that happens outside the view of the audience is offstage


The area around the stage that the audience can’t see


The backstage area to the side of the stage

Cross Over

An area behind the stage that allows actors to cross from on side to the other without being seen by the audience


Scenery, platforms (called risers), and furniture on the stage


Large pieces of scenery that move in and out of view using ropes and pulleys to represent different locations

Theatre lights

Very bright lights usually hung above the stage

Spot light/Follow spot

Movable lights that can follow actors around the stage

Handheld mics/Body mics

Microphones that are held or worn by the actors


A line or action that triggers another line or action

Blocking – where you’ll move on stage.

  • Enter (on) – stepping onstage
  • Exit (off) – stepping offstage
  • Cross (X) – moving from one place to another
  • Centre stage (CS) – the centre of the stage as you face the audience
  • Upstage (US) – the area toward the back of the stage
  • Downstage (DS) – the area toward the front of the stage
  • Stage left (SL) – the area to the left of centre as you face the audience
  • Stage right (SR) – the area to right of centre as you face the audience